People don’t like vulnerable peopleI love a story of resilience. There is something to it, the hope that the person kept together (and mind you for a very long time than you…Sep 29, 2024Sep 29, 2024
What It Actually Is?Tremors, heartaches, palpitation, but how easy it is for people to say “kina eti dherai sochya k?”. People don’t get it, do they? I see…Sep 10, 2023Sep 10, 2023
ChangeI don’t remember how I used to be. I guess I remember I used to be more happy. I can’t say the happiness is fake or something but why do I…Aug 12, 2023Aug 12, 2023
Dear friend,I am tired. My eyes are half closed yet, I still can’t fall asleep. And I miss you, I want you to understand that. But I know this will…Jun 22, 2023Jun 22, 2023
(quote-unquote) What’s the point?I have three brothers. I consider myself fortunate to have the privilege to learn about life from them without necessarily experiencing…Jun 11, 2023Jun 11, 2023
Heart’s DesireSometimes you seek for things. You crave for things, a constant endless desire. Randomly, like that craving for a sandwich in the middle of…Apr 24, 2023Apr 24, 2023
KaliyugaYou were the stereotypical Sojho kid. From the very childhood, you were taught to do good things, to follow the rules, to look and be…Apr 6, 2023Apr 6, 2023
Looking Back At 2022I had a light in my heart. It glowed brightly, lighting everything around me as I was happy and cheerful. I felt there were people around…Jan 2, 2023Jan 2, 2023
After sunsetDo you find sunsets beautiful? What kind of a question is this right? Often when we see it, we enjoy it, we take out our phone and try to…Oct 22, 2022Oct 22, 2022