Consumption of Passion
I think we all want to have something in life, something beyond what we do every day. I once learned music while I was at school. And it takes a lot to be something. People will say it is not about winning, or achieving anything, but as I observe and I see that it just fades away. Your engagement, your interest as well maybe. A person once told me a very interesting thing. I was speaking and it was just me going on and on, and she said it is always interesting to hear someone talk about what they are passionate about, even though it could be as nerdy as it could get, one could just see it in the eyes. And I am very grateful to have that moment. “It” consists of a story. People could look at it in two ways. First, seeing that passion with no prior interest and second, that I see in myself, looking into it for myself, what I could never become (not in a bad way). It is projecting what you see in the people into yourself and mind you this is not bad. We do this everyday, I listen to classical music, and people watch football or F1 perhaps pouring their soul into it and with great passion. And it is circumstantial truth that we can never become them. But what's even better is that we can see the passion in their eyes when they perform.
You can think of different examples yourself. Gordon Ramsay, you see him angry all the time on the tv, but I truly believe that is coming out of the passion he has for food and other people not caring that equally. One great advantage of this consumption I believe is that it becomes a mechanism for storytelling. And we humans love stories! Every bit of it is enjoyable and it is not even fantasy-ical.

The Greatness of Consumption
I am not talking about consumption figuratively but quite literally too. Perhaps coffee might be the greatest symbol of consumerism. Consumption might come in two forms: experience and commodity. For example, watching movies might be a consumption of experience. And I don’t quite know how to explain right now but I look at it as; for a consumption of experience it is emotionally equal and tasty to consuming a deliciously baked red velvet when that happens. But as I mentioned in the beginning, people might lack it when we are living our day to day life, now more than ever with being occupied with mindless scrolling. I really hope people get that experience and understand it.
Cost Associated
Now I know people will tell me how all the things I said stem from luxury and I acknowledge that. My brother once told me how easily our generation (Gen Z) would go out without not quite realizing the monetary value associated with it. And I know it is expensive out here. But the consumption of passion is not quite that expensive. I mean, sure you could be passionate about going to some fancy green cafe every weekend (some are soo worth it actually, not every other weekend though) but there are a lot of things other than that. You could see someone cooking delicious cuisine, all the small intricacies, so much into it that you could go somewhere to taste some food and know what or how it is like. The details, you know, the story and that is the beauty of it. And it is worth it. I watch movies, and they are another passionately made thing that I see. And I will admit that I am quite pro-piracy. I read once that culture shouldn’t exist only for those who can afford it and that's quite the mind-blowing thing I have ever read. Your creativity and your way of thinking wouldn’t have been if you wouldn't had easy access to movies, music, and games growing up. And this narrative of the cost associated, and the luxury, is I believe quite limiting in itself. So I suggest you consume, and become quite the connoisseur of it.