You were the stereotypical Sojho kid. From the very childhood, you were taught to do good things, to follow the rules, to look and be smart. That’s quite a good thing, right? Maybe just being good is not the way. Following rules? Lol, you are mocked by the very existence of it. You are even mocked for studying or being curious. “Why unnecessarily question the things way they are?”, right? Why is it so? My parents taught me what is morally right. Then you grow up to find out “you couldn’t navigate people”. It’s never enough for people. You had to be “extroverted” as expected. Even you getting along and being with yourself is not respected at times.
Why was it so? We were just following what was said. I mean don’t we deserve better than this? Don’t we deserve an occasional hi, hello and How are you? And I don’t understand why there is so much constant need for reassurance. Why can’t things be once in for all?
That’s why I have been saying, empathy is realizing what is real around us and not what it should be, ideal. It’s Kaliyuga, you know! Sh*t, maybe that was too much, let me move back to small talk.
“Ani k xa ta tmro halkhabar?”